FSEAP Is the Only Non-Profit EAP with a Focus on Individuals, Community and Giving Back.

Our objective is to optimize work environments with services that support organizations to foster healthy workplaces that enhance employee well-being, resilience, and productivity.

The Family Services Employee Assistance Program (FSEAP) is a division of Family Services Canada.  As a non-profit organization, we are a different kind of EAP— the FSEAP is our social enterprise, and we are the only Employee Assistance Program in Canada where 100% of the profits are reinvested into Family Services counselling and social service programs within the communities we serve. We are a certified social enterprise by Buy Social Canada, so you can feel confident that your contribution to FSEAP is having a lasting impact for those in need.

What We Offer

We design and deliver services that meet the unique needs and concerns of our customers. Our workplace services enhance employee engagement, resilience, and optimize work performance. We help our customers:

  • Gain and maintain healthy and productive work environments
  • Keep employees well, focused, and at work
  • Reduce overall health care and disability claim costs
  • Create better workplace cultures and organizational morale


The FSEAP is an accredited, experienced, and successful provider of EAP programs throughout Canada, having provided EAP services for over 40 years. We understand that no organization is immune to mental health problems as well as the impact they can have on a workforce. Today’s organizations are faced with the need and responsibility to effectively manage the risk of employee mental and physical health issues through proactive and responsive leadership, support programs and services.

The FSEAP takes a comprehensive and integrated approach to employee and workplace health and resiliency. We offer a continuum of services designed to help organizations support employee wellness and create psychologically healthy workplaces as defined by the customer organization.



Core Services

Counselling Services

  • 24/7 crisis line to reach EAP counsellors
  • Personal counselling (assessment & short-term counselling)


Work/Life Consultation Services

  • Financial coaching & credit counselling
  • Legal referral & consultation
  • Health/physical fitness coaching
  • Nutritional counselling
  • Career counselling
  • Child/elder care consultations
  • Resource kits (family & life stages, personal issues, etc.)
  • Smoking cessation support


Web-based Health and Wellness Resources

Dedicated Account Management Services