Corien Kershey, B.A., M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.

Corien is a 30-year brand and marketing veteran who brings passion and expertise to clients.  In her recent career, she’s developed brands and marketing strategies for many non-profits including VON Canada, CHEO, the Canadian Nurses Association, the Canadian Paediatric Society, Queensway-Carleton Hospital, the Canadian Lung Association, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Ottawa Food Bank, among others.

Her volunteer activities have included roles with the Canadian Cancer Society, and she has served on a number of non-profit Boards.  Before going agency-side, Corien was an executive in Ottawa’s vibrant high-tech scene.

Corien also mentors the business leaders of tomorrow. She was the director of the Marketing Certificate Program at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business and was on the faculty of Lead-to-Win, Ottawa’s leading program for entrepreneurs and emerging leaders.  Corien is founder and CEO of Brand Clarity, an Ottawa-based agency that specializes in brand strategy and brand communications. Corien holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.