Alternative Dispute Resolution Program


The Alternative Dispute Resolution program is a free service that helps families develop plans and find solutions to problems concerning the care of children and youth. It provides an opportunity for families to have a voice and participate in creating the solution in a non-adversarial way. Each family is assigned a practitioner who acts as a neutral third party. This practitioner is not a CAS staff member, they do not provide advice or make any decisions for you but facilitate conversation and provide a space for families to build your own solutions.

The ADR process is voluntary, and you can withdraw your consent at any time throughout the process.

ADR is only available for families with an open CAS file. If you have an open CAS file, you have a right to be considered for the ADR program. Please speak to your CAS worker about making a referral.

Family Services Ottawa offers two methods of ADR: Child Protection Mediation and Family Group Conferencing. See the pamphlets below to learn more about the processes

More information on Child Protection Mediation
More information on Family Group Conference


  • Supportive Process

    The ADR process is often faster and less complex than the court process.

  • Family Focused

    The process supports families and encourages them to have an active role in creating solutions.

  • Respects Individual Needs

    The process is receptive to the uniqueness of each family.

  • “Thank you for your hard work and your patience with my anxiety. My heart is lighter, knowing the kids are happy.”

    How to Apply

    The program is accepting new referrals. We require a current open CAS file to access any method of ADR. If you are interested, speak to your CAS worker about a referral.

    If you would like to access Indigenous Approaches to ADR, please visit the Circle of Care program at the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health. If you are a CAS worker and would like to make a referral, fill out the referral form and send it with signed consent forms. Files will not be opened until all documents have been received.

    Please email your completed forms to

    Or by fax to: 613-725-5651.