Parenting Your Anxious Child

Our Approach

We all experience some level of anxiety but as a parent it can be hard to figure how to support our children through their anxiety.

This three week course is for parents of children ages 4-14 years old.  With the guidance and knowledge of a qualified parent educator, come and meet with other parents to understand anxiety and discover child friendly strategies to reduce anxiety and support you and your child with ways to cope.  

Upcoming Course Dates

Mondays, April 1st – 15th 2024 (3 sessions)

 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Cost: $135

Where: Zoom Video Conferencing

Benefits of participation

  • Knowledge and information sharing

    Increase understanding about anxiety and its connection to childhood development

  • Understanding your child’s needs

    Identifying and developing child friendly strategies to help reduce anxiety

  • Parent self care and support

    Develop coping strategies for parents and discover resources and supports available for your family

  • “The experienced facilitator was knowledgeable, the handouts were clear and I received lots of ideas and strategies from the facilitator and other parents.”