We offer individual and group counselling to women (including cis- and trans- women) aged 16 years or older who have been sexually, physically or emotionally abused by their partners, significant others, caregivers or other immediate family/household members.Â
Women experiencing emotional or physical violence in their intimate relationships can experience a range of emotions, including anger, distress, and confusion. Our counsellors can offer emotional support and help you sort out your feelings, learn about your rights, and figure out next steps.
You are currently living with or in a relationship with your partner
You are separated recently or some time in the past
You are not sure if what you are going through counts as abuse
You are thinking about separating but are not sure
You are planning to separate and need support to make a plan
You have already separated and need help with more information or emotional healing
Learn about abuse, what it is and how it impacts women
Get emotional support in making difficult decisions about your relationship
Learn how to take care of your needs and stay strong
Heal and process hurtful and traumatic experiences
Learn about your rights and options available to you
Get information and resources for practical and community supports
In order to register you will be required to attend a screening/ intake meeting with the group facilitator.
Learn more about abuse, what it is and how it affects women
Know that you are not alone, and that the abuse is not your fault
Learn how to spot warning signs of potential abuse, and what healthy relationships look like
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