When Families Grow, So Does Our Community
Building on 100 Years of Counselling & Support Services
Family Services Ottawa (FSO) has been providing counselling and support services to our community for over 100 years. Our staff has experience working across a wide range of mental health and wellness issues.
FSO serves all members of our diverse community, including individuals belonging to various social, cultural, racial, sexual, gender, and relationship identity groups. We offer a wide range of counselling services, educational workshops and support programs for everyone in our community.

Assemble your team for a night of unforgettable fun that helps families in need access mental health programs and services.
FSEAP is a non-profit Employee Assistance Program that provides counselling, educational workshops and support programs for employees. Our unique structure allows us to also give back to members of our community.
In the Words of a Family Services Ottawa Client
“FSO has provided me with tools that are helping me live the life I wanted to live. I am now able to be present with my family and be there for precious moments that I missed before.”
- Family Services Ottawa Client
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The Positive Impact of Family Services Ottawa on Our Community
Last year, community members were able to grow via…