How does FSO change the lives of Ottawa families for the better?

Ways to Support Family Services Ottawa

There are many ways to support Family Services Ottawa. Find one that works for your goals and your unique situation. Short-term, long-term: all kinds of support provide us with the much-needed community and financial resources to continue to deliver the many programs that our clients rely on.

Making a Legacy Gift

Naming Family Services Ottawa in your will provides a lasting legacy of your commitment to our goal of providing counselling services and support to everybody in Ottawa. If you are interested in this option, please call Deirdre Speers at 613-725-3601 ext 115 or by email at

Giving Gifts of Securities

A donation of securities is an efficient way to give charitably to Family Services Ottawa. Our goal is always to make it as easy as possible to give. Please contact Deirdre Speers at 613-725-3601 ext. 115 or by email at

Fundraising and Events

There are opportunities for Volunteers to contribute to FSO through events and fundraising initiatives. These roles can vary depending on the time of year, but could include assisting with registration at events, greeting guests and donors, assisting with auction item pick-up and delivery, selling 50/50 raffle tickets, or photography at events. 

For more information about volunteering for FSO fundraising and events, please contact

Corporate Sponsorship

We also hold frequent events to help raise money for all of our services and programs. You can get involved in these events by joining us, or by becoming a corporate sponsor. You’ll be helping a good cause, and others will notice. 

View our calendar of events.